Spotlight: Wealth Lead Generation Offers a No-BS System for Increasing Sales

Before a small business can serve tons of paying customers, they need leads. But gathering those potential customers can be time-consuming. So it helps to outsource or use an automated system.

Luckily, this is exactly what Wealth Lead Generation offers. The business specifically serves finance professionals. And these businesses can enjoy leads from simple, one-time campaigns. Read the story below in this week’s Small Business Spotlight.

What the Business Does

Offers advertising and lead generation services for businesses.

Founder Maria Popova told Small Business Trends, “We designed a lead generation system that helps finance professionals attract new clients on autopilot.”

Business Niche

Delivering dependable, automated results.

Popova says, “The system guarantees business owners predictable results such as an average of 250% ROI from done-for-you advertising campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Google, and LinkedIn.”

How the Business Got Started

By accident.

Popova completed an exchange semester in Austria during college and had trouble finding employment there. So she explored remote opportunities online instead. This led to her first writing gig. And she added extra service for clients over time. Eventually, she had a full-service agency. Now, she has a five-person team and offers an array of services for financial professionals.

Biggest Win

Helping clients gain massive results.

Specifically, the team helped a FinTech startup raise seven figures in under three months. To reach this goal, they focused on social media growth, PR, and influencer marketing.

Biggest Risk

Jumping into business with little experience.

Popova adds, “We all jumped into it before we were ready. But having each other’s backs in the most challenging times helped us immensely.”

Lesson Learned

Focus on the important tasks.

Popova says the team would focus more on delegation and systems from the beginning. This would free up more time for building actual relationships with clients and partners.

How They’d Spend an Extra $100,000

Fighting poverty.

Popova explains, “We support organizations that help eradicate poverty and illiteracy by donating a percentage of our profits annually. An extra $100,000 would help make this change faster.”

What the Business Is Known For

A no-BS attitude toward marketing and advertising.

Popova adds, “We do our utmost to maximize the value of every cent that our clients (many of whom are finance professionals and investors) allocate to their business growth. One of our signatures is the monetization of social media channels. Simply said, we help our clients start generating revenue through social media as quickly as humanly possible.”

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Find out more about the Small Biz Spotlight program

Image: Wealth Lead Generation, Maria Popova

This article, "Spotlight: Wealth Lead Generation Offers a No-BS System for Increasing Sales" was first published on Small Business Trends

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